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Sudurpaschim- Brief Information

About Sudurpashchim Province:Sudurpashchim Province is one of the seven provinces established by the new constitution of Nepal.. It borders the Tibet Autonomous Region of China to the north, Karnali Province and Lumbini Province to the east, and the India's Kumaon to the west and Uttar Pradesh to th ... Read more

Culture of Sudurpaschim

Deuda Naach:Deuda or Deuda Khel is a Nepali genre of song and dance, performed in the far western (Sudurpashchim) and mid-western (Madhyapaschim) regions of Nepal, as well as Garhwal division in Uttarakhand state of India on the occasion of various festivals, such as Gaura. The dance is performed by ... Read more

Festivals in Sudurpaschim

This is a blog section for Sudurpaschim Category This is a blog section for Sudurpaschim Category This is a blog section for Sudurpaschim Category This is a blog section for Sudurpaschim Category This is a blog section for Sudurpaschim Category This is a blog section for Sudurpaschim Category This i ... Read more

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